
Manuscript Submissions

Tenshi Publishing supports self publishing authors in Devon (however, we will consider authors from further afield). We are looking for professionally written manuscripts that need a polish and shine in order to be ready for print. We are NOT interested in porn or violence but we are very interested in poetry, inspiration, alternative medicine and the spiritual side of life.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please ensure you read through your manuscript a few times to correct basic grammar and spellings.
  • Use a standard 12 point font such as Times or Ariel.
  • Unless it is poetry please double space each line and indent each paragraph.
  • Please only send the first four chapters or 50 pages, if we are interested we will request the full manuscript.
  • Manuscripts MUST be attached as one (1) PDF and sent to: please write ‘Submission,’ in the subject field and please also include the genre and title of your manuscript.
  • Finally, be patient. It generally takes publishers 2-3 months or longer to get back to you.

The Package

We Offer 

  • We will proof read your manuscript.
  • Edit it thoroughly (more than once).
  • Design the interior and exterior.
  • Choose a suitable typeset.
  • Find professional looking images for your front and back cover.
  • Purchase your ISBN and bar code.
  • Print your book under our Tenshi Publishing name.
  • Send printed copies to the National Library and the Legal Deposit Agency.
  • Add you to our ‘Meet the Authors’ page.
  • Promote your book on our website.
  • And always keep you in the loop. 

Package Quotes

For a package quote please email: and write ‘Quote’ in the subject field. We will need to know what genre the book is and a full word count from cover to cover.

Copyright & Royalties

You will ALWAYS retain copyright. You can purchase printed copies through us and retain full royalties on those books. We will only take royalties for books we have sold whether on this website or through any other avenue.

So……. if you are ready and feel that we are the publisher for you, then be brave, and submit your manuscript.

Good Luck – The Tenshi Team.